Mystic Publishers Inc
Mystic Publishers Inc was formed in 2014 as a company to fill the void left my the major publishing houses. We recognized that a lot of good stories were being rejected or ignored simply because the author is unknown. Many manuscripts are rejected without even receiving a glance. At MPI we read every manuscript we receive. Some we reject outright, other if rejected we offer the author some feedback as to the stories shortcomings, and what can be done to improve it, We also invited the author the opportunity to resubmit the manuscript after the rewrite as been accomplished.
Tremplins (Launching Pad or Springboard in French) is our newest imprint was launched in 2023 due to an author’s request to find an outlet for her mid-grade level books. The debut of First Encounter, book one in the Conspiracy Page series has been well received and the the second book is due out this year 2024. We are seeking more YA authors to fulfill the growing need for these types of stories.

In 2014 Mystic Publishers Inc came online with two imprints Ink & Quill Publishers and Newlink Publishing.
Ink And Quill Publishers accepts book in the genres of, Romance, Mystery, Murder Mysteries, Police Procedural, Historical Fiction, Memorious, Self Help, etc.
By far our most popular and largest selection of book is under our Newlink Publishing imprint. We are looking for good solid stories in genres of Science Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, Paranormal, and Horror. We like authors who have a vision and staying power to write a series of three or more books.